Points of interest
Camp Jezero Kočevsko****
Camp Jezero Kočevsko**** has designated spaces for mobile homes, trailers and tents, and it offers accommodation in glamping cottages as well.
Bilpa Apartments and Lodging
Bilpa apartments and lodging offer various types of accommodation (apartments, tents) and many activities - miniraft and bike rental, fishing.
Madronič Guesthouse
The Madronič Guesthouse offers its guests three-star rooms, excellent trout food and a wide selection of wines.
Muhvič camping and lodging
The Muhvič Camp is located directly along the Kolpa River, in the village of Dol. They offer accommodation, a well-kept private beach, a children's playground, canoeing and bicycle rental.
Tourist farm and autocamp Konda
The Konda Camp is part of the Konda tourist farm, where they biologically produce most of the food they offer to their guests.
Camp Žaga
Camp Žaga is a smaller family campsite near Kolpa, located on the edge of the picturesque village of Gorenja Žaga.
Tourism in the village Kapš
Tourism in the village Kapš is located in the Poljanska Valley, in the idyllic village of Prelesje. The vicinity of the Kolpa River attracts fishermen and numerous opportunities for nature activities.
ECO village Rinčica
Eco village Rinčica is located in the Poljanska Valley along the Kolpa River and offers a true nature experience in glamping wooden houses set right next to the Kolpa River.
Rafting Kolpa
Here you can rent a kayak, canoe or raft to enjoy in water activities and water sports on Kolpa river.
Camping Kanu Radenci ob Kolpi
Camping Kanu Radenci ob Kolpi is located in the village Srednji Radenci about 5 km away from village Stari trg ob Kolpi.